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UNDRR’s Mami Mizutori calls for renewal of determination on Sendai Framework

April 3, 2023 
By Avert staff

The head of the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction is urging for a renewal of determination on the eight anniversary of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction.

Mami Mizutori, special representative of the secretary-general for Disaster Risk Reduction, marked the anniversary on March 17 by releasing the following statement:

“The 8th anniversary of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 comes at a time of rapidly increasing global risks, fragility, and disaster losses.

In many ways, this is the challenge that the Sendai Framework was created to prevent. From its emphasis on the proactive management of risks before they become disasters, to its people-centred approach to ensure no one is left behind.

Yet as we cross its midpoint, it is clear the world is still a long way from realizing the goals of Sendai, as documented in the midterm review’s findings report.

But this is not a moment of capitulation, it is a moment to renew our determination.

The Sendai Framework remains the only globally agreed blueprint for how countries can address and reduce disaster risks and losses, adopted by 187 UN Member States.

As we near the 18-19 May High-Level Meeting of the UN General Assembly on the midterm review of the Sendai Framework, we hope to see world leaders adopt a strong and resolute political declaration on the way forward.

This is critical not only to accelerate the implementation of the Sendai Framework, but also to ensure the recommendations of the midterm process are integrated into the other global milestones this year, namely the SDG Summit and the Global Stocktake of the Paris Climate Agreement.

We owe it to the millions who have been affected by disasters worldwide to learn from past mistakes and to build back better in the remaining years of the Sendai Framework and the 2030 Agenda. This means transforming decision-making to deliver resilience for all.”

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