Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Toronto firefighters awarded wage increase

June 28, 2013, Toronto - Toronto’s 3,100 firefighters have been awarded a 14.26 per cent wage increase over a five-year contract. The arbitration award, which covers the period from Jan. 1, 2010, to Dec. 31, 2014, means a first-class firefighter will earn $87,923 as of Jan. 1 this year. The Toronto Star reports.

June 28, 2013 
By The Toronto Star

June 28, 2013, Toronto – Toronto’s 3,100 firefighters have been awarded a
14.26 per cent wage increase over a five-year contract. The arbitration
which covers the period from Jan. 1, 2010, to Dec. 31, 2014, means a
first-class firefighter will earn $87,923 as of Jan. 1 this year. The
Toronto Star reports. | READ MORE

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