Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Quebec’s SPI acquires Superior Safety

Sept. 8, 2011 - Quebec-based SPI, a supplier of occupational health and safety equipment for the fire service, has acquired Superior Safety Inc. to expand its network into Ontario and the Prairies.

September 8, 2011 
By Laura King

Sept. 8, 2011 – Quebec-based SPI, a supplier of occupational health and safety equipment for the fire service, has acquired Superior Safety Inc. to expand its network into Ontario and the Prairies.

Superior Safety has 125 employees and branches in Ontario, Saskatchewan and Alberta. In addition to services such as fire suppression installations, fire alarm installation and fire extinguisher maintenance and service, Safety Supply repairs fire-department equipment such as SCBAs.

SPI said in a press release that the acquisition of Superior Safety is a major step in its operations and expansion plans in Canada and internationally.

“Our new entity will now have 29 locations, spread [across] Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario and Quebec,” the company said.

“With this new scale, our goal remains the same: to enable Canadian businesses that value health and safety to rely on the excellence of a specialist partner, who provides innovative solutions in occupational health and safety and fire protection.”

Superior Safety and SPI have consolidated their operations.

"This transaction is the ideal scenario for ensuring the growth and continuity of Superior Safety's operations," said Superior Safety President Doug Coppin.

“Indeed, current shareholders of Superior Safety will continue on as shareholders and managers at SPI.”

Coppin said clients will be contacted shortly to formalize price alignments, agreements and logistics. For now, Superior Safety will continue to operate under the same company name, he said.

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