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Ottawa earmarks $2M for search and rescue revitalization in Alberta

March 17, 2023 
By Avert staff

The Search and Rescue Association of Alberta is receiving more than $2 million in federal support for their multi-year project: Revitalization to Enhance All Hazards Response.

Minister of Emergency Preparedness Bill Blair made the funding announcement in Alberta earlier this week.

“Search and rescue is an essential emergency service in Canada,” Blair said in a statement. “In funding this important project, we are making sure that the Search and Rescue Association of Alberta can adapt and continue their important work: saving Canadians in distress. I would like to thank all of the search and rescue volunteers and organizations that work to keep Canadians safe and informed as they enjoy the outdoors.”

The 30-year-old association currently represents 33 search and rescue organizations across the province.

The funding – totalling $2,075,919 from Public Safety Canada’s Search and Rescue New Initiatives Fund (SAR NIF) – is going towards the association’s revitalization project targeted at its structure and governance framework. They plan to introduce an accreditation and certification process for new and evolving standards.

Association CEO John Alexander said in a release they were grateful for the funding.

“These funds arrive at a critical juncture in SAR Alberta’s history, and will play a key role in enabling our organization to work strategically towards our mission to assist search and rescue teams in their efforts to provide a superior and dedicated level of service to the people of Alberta,” Alexander said.

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