Fire Fighting in Canada

Headlines News
Inquest to focus on fire safety in nursing homes

Dec. 2, 2010, Toronto - The deaths of four people in a fire at a central Ontario retirement home will come under the scrutiny of a coroner's inquest.

December 2, 2010 
By The Canadian Press

The January 2009 blaze at the Muskoka Heights Retirement Residence in Orillia, Ont., left six other elderly residents of the privately run home critically injured.

The facility did not have a sprinkler system, and fire officials called the deaths needless.

Ontario's chief coroner announced the inquest today, saying it will focus on fire safety in retirement homes.

Details about the date and location of the inquest are to be released at a later date.

Vera Blain, Genneth Dyment, Hugh Fleming and Robert McLean died after fire broke out at the residence shortly after 6 a.m.

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