Fire Fighting in Canada

Equipment New products
Industrial Scientific launches docking station

Pittsburgh, PA – Industrial Scientific Corp. has launched its DS2 docking station for the GasBadge Plus single gas monitor. The GasBadge Plus is a two-year, low-cost, personal gas detector providing protection from dangerous levels of carbon monoxide, hydrogen sulphide, oxygen, nitrogen dioxide or sulphur dioxide.

April 11, 2008 
By Industrial Scientific Corp.

All GasBadge Plus instruments currently in use are compatible with the
new docking station and iNet, Industrial Scientific’s automated
maintenance and management solution.

The DS2 recognizes individual instrument serial numbers and performs
calibration and bump testing according to specific schedules set by the
user. Instrument diagnostics and record-keeping functions also limit
safety hazards and liability concerns for additional peace of mind.
Two-way wireless and/or Ethernet connectivity allows DS2s to
communicate from remote locations to a central database. The DS2 can
support all customer applications from a laptop PC running one to eight
DS2s, to complete WAN networks supporting up to 100 DS2s in multiple
locations around the world.

The DS2 features a multilingual display, three status LEDs and an
audible alarm providing important status information and instrument
details. The DS2 also offers optional iGas capability to automatically
identify calibration gas cylinder concentrations, lot numbers and
expiration dates to keep the system operating effectively and

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