Fire Fighting in Canada

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ICLR applauds release of Canada’s first National Adaptation Strategy

December 2, 2022 
By Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

The Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction (ICLR) celebrates the release of Canada’s first National Adaptation Strategy and accompanying Federal Adaptation Action Plan.

Each year Canadians experience billions of dollars of preventable damage due to climate extremes. The strategy sets out a national path forward to confront this alarming trend. The action plan sets out specific federal actions and commitments. Research by ICLR finds potential for significant benefits through the implementation of actions like those set out in the strategy and action plan.

Paul Kovacs, executive director of the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction said, “Loss and damage from extreme climate events has been doubling in Canada every five to 10 years over the past four decades. The National Adaptation Strategy and Federal Adaptation Action Plan are an important step forward to confront this alarming and unsustainable trend. Most losses from flooding, wildfire, severe wind and other climate extremes are preventable through the application of proven scientific findings.

“The strategy and plan clearly reflect advice provided by the Institute and other entities who contributed to development of these important reports.”

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